Frequently Asked Questions

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Sharing Panquake Me links help to protect you, your family, your friends, your communities and/or your audience from having your personal data captured and exploited.
Panquake Me is a link shortener with the added benefit of cleaning your links of any marketing or ad tracking cookies which are commonly used to permanently associate the browsing activities of people sharing links on the internet with the activities of the people who then click on those links.
This data - known as 'social network analysis data' or 'social graph data' can then be used in ways which you will never wholly know about and can therefore never really consent to. It is frequently packaged and sold, often to big data companies, other social networks or corporations across a wide range of industries, or even to governments and intelligence agencies.
Additionally, Panquake Me archives the original source content, solving the issue of "link rot". If the original source disappears or the link breaks, your Panquake Me link will still work!
Panquake Me is the first link shortening service that cleans your link and archives the original source content all in one easy step. Other link shortening services can actually be used to track your activity or the activity of those who you share links with. Ours does not.
We have gone above and beyond by utilizing smart, innovative and transparent software development practices to better protect you and the people you share links with.
Panquake Me links are scrubbed of "referrer" tags and other nasties that can be used to track people around the web, and then we give you a short url at Panquake Me to share with your friends and family. This provides better privacy for you and anyone you share the link with. Our service also archives your link so that it is preserved for the future, using the Internet Archive and
We don't want our links to lead you to places that could compromise your hardware or your privacy. Therefore, the first time a given domain is entered into Panquake Me, it is added to a security validation queue to ensure the destination address passes some fundamental security checks.
Once the domain has been validated, the next time that domain is entered into Panquake Me, the "Original Page" option will appear and the short link will allow click throughs to the domain directly. In the interim period, the archive options remain available. If a domain is found to contain malware or other technical nasties that could place your devices at risk, that domain is blocked for the protection of all our users.
We do not collect any personally-identifiable information (PII) about you or anyone who clicks on Panquake Me links. When you provide Panquake Me with a link, the service saves the scrubbed URL, a timestamp, and a counter for the number of clicks to that URL. All of our source code is Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) so it can be checked by security researchers and the public.
Panquake Me was conceived of, designed, developed and delivered by the team behind - a next generation social media network currently under development. The team is led by Founder and Chief Product Officer Suzie Dawson. To learn more about Panquake, visit our website, check out our press page and subscribe to our Substack page.
We know you're hungrily waiting for the main course and that's why we decided to give you an appetizer to get you started.
We want out ASAP as well and have an amazing team working every day to make that happen as quickly as possible. The technology behind Panquake Me is actually part of the Panquake application - producing clean, archived content links for users sharing content from Panquake.
Because we know you're dying to get your hands on our amazing service, we've decided to carve off and publish pieces such as Panquake Me that we can give you right now, while we continue diligently working on our network and blockchain service build. The second the Panquake Beta application is ready for release, we'll be notifying everyone via our website and our Substack page.
If you find Panquake Me useful, please let us know by writing to us at or rewarding our hardworking team by donating here today.